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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
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Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
Jabbour, F. (2017). A study of the anatomy and physiology of nectaries: a translation of Gaston Bonnier's seminal work (1878, Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France). Botany Letters , 164 (4), 293-302.
Jabbour, F., Du Pasquier, PE, Chazalviel, L., Le Guilloux, M., e Silva, NC, Deveaux, Y., ... & Damerval, C. (2021). Evolution of the distribution area of ??the Mediterranean Nigella damascena and a likely multiple molecular origin of its perianth dimorphism. Flora , 274 , 151735.
Damerval, C., Ben Othman, W., Manicacci, D., & Jabbour, F. (2018). Distribution area of ??the two floral morphs of Nigella damascena L. (Ranunculaceae): a diachronic study using herbarium specimens collected in France. Botany Letters , 165 (3-4), 396-403.
Kotyuk, L. A., & Shvaika, O. V. (2018). ??????? ????? ???????? Hyssopus officinalis ?? ????????????? ? ?????? ????????????? ???????. Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 8(1).
Jabbour, F., Udron, M., Le Guilloux, M., Gonçalves, B., Manicacci, D., Nadot, S., & Damerval, C. (2015). Flower development schedule and AGAMOUS-like gene expression patterns in two morphs of Nigella damascena (Ranunculaceae) differing in floral architecture. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ,
Mohamadpoor, H., Pirbalouti, A. G., Bajalan, I., & Malekpoor, F. Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils from Inflorescences of Two Landraces of Hyssop [Hyssopus officinalis L. subsp. angustifolius (Bieb.)] Cultivated in Southwestern, Iran.
Talebi, S. M., Nahooji, M. G., & Yarmoohammadi, M. (2017). Infra-generic morphological variations in some Nepeta L. taxa of Iran. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 7(3).
Savinykh, N. P. (2019). Evolution of the life forms of flowering plants in a biodiversity formation. Biology Bulletin, 46(1), 65-73.
Talebi, S. M., Rezakhanlou, R., & Matsyura, A. (2017). Do we have infraspecific taxa of Salvia multicaulis Vahl.(Lamiaceae) in Iran?. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 7(4).
So?tys-Lelek, A., Mo?d?e?, K., Barabasz-Krasny, B., Turisová, I., & Turis, P. ???? ???????? ??????????? ????????????? ????? (???????? ??????) ? ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ????. ?????? ??????????? ????????????. ????? ??????????, (78), 45-50.
So?tys-Lelek, A., Mo?d?e?, K., Barabasz-Krasny, B., Turisová, I., & Turis, P. (2018). The role of herbarium of the Ojcow National Park (Southern Poland) in studies on the diversity of local floras. ?????? ??????????? ????????????. ????? ??????????, (78), 45-50.
Savinykh, N. P. (2015). Modularity as a basis of heterochronies and heterotopies in flowering plants. Paleontological Journal, 49(14), 1657-1666.
Halder, J. C. (2018). Micro Level Land Use Studies Using Google Earth image and GIS: A Case Study of Dotal Village, Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal. International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6, 12.
Surya, S., & Hari, N. (2018). Research scholar1, Assistant Professor2. International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6, 12.
Naskar, S., Mondal, S., & Ankure, S. (2021). Leaf Anatomical Adaptations of Mangroves. Handbook of Halophytes: From Molecules to Ecosystems towards Biosaline Agriculture, 1063-1077.
Hussein, E. A., Aref, M. S., & Ewais, E. A. (2017). Recent Unique Research for Enhancing Micropropagation Protocol of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Via Mammalian Sex Hormones. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci, 4(5), 14-24.
Wi?niewska, N., Gdaniec, A., & Kowalkowska, A. K. (2021). Micromorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural analysis of flower secretory structures in two species pollinated by flies (Diptera) of Asclepiadoideae Burnett. South African Journal of Botany, 137, 60-67.