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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
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Conference proceedings
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Journal h-index
Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
El Amerany, F., Rhazi, M., Wahbi, S., Taourirte, M., & Meddich, A. (2020). The effect of chitosan, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and compost applied individually or in combination on growth, nutrient uptake, and stem anatomy of tomato. Scientia Horticulturae, 261, 109015.
DOS SANTOS, V. L. (2016). Palinotaxonomia de Alcantarea (E. Morren ex Mez) Harms, um gênero segregado de Vriesea Lindl.(Bromeliaceae Juss.).
Kovalyshyn, I., Pinchuk, A., & Likhanov, A. (2021). Morphological features of the leaves in clematises as a reflection of their ecological peculiarities. Plant Introduction, (89/90), 89-100.
Ch?osta, I., Góralski, G., & Popielarska-Konieczna, M. (2021). Assessment of the Value of Stomatal Size and Density as Hallmarks of Nonaploid Kiwifruit Plants. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 90.
da Silva, N. T., Silva, L. A. S., Reis, A. C., Machado, M., de Matos, E. M., Viccini, L. F., ... & da Silva, M. L. (2020). Endosperm culture: a facile and efficient biotechnological tool to generate passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) triploid plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 142(3), 613-624.
Li, L., Li, T., Wu, D., Wu, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, X., ... & Zhou, C. (2021). Anatomical and histochemical features of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata (Pteridaceae). Botany Letters, 1-10.
Wu, D., Li, L., Ma, X., Huang, G., & Yang, C. (2020). Morphological and anatomical adaptations to dry, shady environments in Adiantum reniforme var. sinense (Pteridaceae). PeerJ, 8, e9937.
Kacorzyk, P., Strojny, J., & Bia?czyk, B. (2021). The Impact of Biodegradable Geotextiles on the Effect of Sodding of Difficult Terrain. Sustainability, 13(11), 5828.
Matsuura, S., Nakao, S., & Hojito, M. (2017). Short-term effects of grassland renovation on CO2 exchange of grasslands in a temperate humid region. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 73(4), 174-186.
Meike, R., Jan, R. K. L., & André, G. S. (2015). Field Spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR Region to Discriminate between Mediterranean Native Plants and Exotic-Invasive Shrubs Based on Leaf Tannin Content.
Dobjanschi, L., Fritea, L., Patay, E. B., & T?ma?, M. (2019). Comparative study of the morphological and phytochemical characterization of Romanian Solidago species. Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 32(4).
Lehmann, J. R. K., Große-Stoltenberg, A., Römer, M., & Oldeland, J. (2015). Field spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR region to discriminate between Mediterranean native plants and exotic-invasive shrubs based on leaf tannin content. Remote Sensing, 7(2), 1225-1241.
Carrive, L. (2019). Considerations on the natural history of Ranunculales (Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Saclay).
Zalko, J., Frachon, S., Morel, A., Deroin, T., Espinosa, F., Xiang, KL, ... & Jabbour, F. (2021). Floral organogenesis and morphogenesis of Staphisagria (Ranunculaceae): Implications for the evolution of synorganized floral structures in Delphinieae. International Journal of Plant Sciences , 182 (1), 59-70.
KATAR, N., KATAR, D., & YILDIZ, E. Farkl? kurutma sürelerinin Zufa/Çördük Otu (Hyssopus officinalis L.) bitkisinin verim ve uçucu ya? oran? uzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi. Biyolojik Çe?itlilik ve Koruma, 14(1), 28-34.
Zalko, Julie, Samuel Frachon, Antoine Morel, Thierry Deroin, Felipe Espinosa, Kun-Li Xiang, Wei Wang et al. "Floral organogenesis and morphogenesis of [italic] Staphisagria [/ italic] (Ranunculaceae): Implications for the evolution of synorganized floral structures in Delphinieae." International Journal of Plant Sciences (2020).
A?imovi?, M., Varga, A., Cvetkovi?, M., Lato, P., Lon?ar, B., Ignjatov, M., & Zeremski, T. (2021). Chemical composition of hyssop cv.'Doma?i ljubi?asti'essential oil and its antimicrobial activity. Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 58(1), 23-30.
Horvat, D. (2017). Ukrasna vrijednost, urod i kakvo?a sjemena vrsta Nigella damascena L. i Nigella sativa L. u razli?itim uvjetima uzgoja (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb. Faculty of Agriculture).