Modern Phytomorphology

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Munifah Homud Alharbi

Pharmacy, King Saud University, Medical City, Saudi Arabia


  • Review Article   
    Critical analysis on the impact of pharmaceutical review of repeat prescriptions in general practice
    Author(s): Nader Farhan Albesisi*, Rasha Mohammed Alghamdi and Munifah Homud Alharbi

    This paper critically analyzes the effectiveness of pharmaceutical reviews of repeat prescriptions within general practice concerning their efficacy, safety, and economic consequences. Thus, having analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of these reviews, the study will help to make a concept of further use of these forms in health care. A literature review presents the findings of recent studies on a particular topic. In contrast, the method part describes the mixed-method research design, the process of quantitative data analysis, and the content of the research interviews of the chief healthcare clinicians and administrative staff of the hospice. Following this, the results marked a substantial number of medication errors, healthcare costs, and patient adherence and outcomes improvement. These results are discussed based on the literature review and guidelines for strengths and limit.. Read More»

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