Modern Phytomorphology

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Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Educational and Scientific Institute of Agrotechnology and Environmental Sciences, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


  • Research Article   
    The influence of biologization of the nutrition system on the formation of photosynthetic productivity of soybean crops
    Author(s): I.Didur, V. Tsyhanskyi* and O. Tsyhanska*

    The intensity of photosynthesis, in the process of which energy-rich, complex and chemically diverse organic compounds are formed from simple chemicals and solar insolation, directly affects the level of plant productivity, the size of the crop and its quality. The conducted research is devoted to modern trends in the development of adaptive technologies for growing soybeans, which are based on the number of main directions that take into account both the features of innovative changes and the technological renewal of mechanization tools, as well as the main trends in the development of green agriculture, aimed to ensure the environmental friendliness of the products obtained, the preservation of soils while ensuring proper level of economic and energy efficiency. That’s why the purpose of the research was to determine the impact of the combined use of mineral fertilizers, soil .. Read More»

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