Modern Phytomorphology

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Volume 18 (2024)

Research Article

Effectiveness of influence of pre-sowing seeds treatment with combinations metabolically active compounds on biochemical composition of soybean grain

Alona Koziuchko, Valentyna Havii, Olena Kuchmenko, Vitalii Sheiko, Hryhorii Machulskyi, Anna Novikova, Anna Hotvianska

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Research Article

Research Article

The formation of indicators of the quality of buckwheat grain depending on the elements of technology.

Oleksandr Mashchenko, Lyudmyla Kriuchko, Roman Bordun, Anatoliy Podhaietskyi, Ivan Sobran, Gennadiy Davydenko, Valentina Toryanik, Maksym Hnitetskyi, Roman Kuzmenko

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Research Article

The share of sunflower in the structure of cultivated areas of Ukraine in pre-war and wartime

Andrii Kysylchuk, Elina Zakharchenko, Nina Rudska, Yehor Bolshakov, Lyudmyla Kriuchko, Serhii Berdin, Zoia Hlupak, Lesya Burko, Roman Tkachenko, Maksym Hnitetskyi, Oleksandr Zubko

Abstract PDF


Characterization and evaluation of aloe veraextract and preparation of eugenol loaded polyhydroxyalkanoate (pha) composite blends for antimicrobial activity

Deepthi Prakash C, Koushik Chakraborty, Madhavi Pothuru, Varidhi Chelageri, Vurrinkala Subhash Gowd and Srividya Shivakumar*

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Fractal analysis of flavonoids in complex chemical compositions in extracts of Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench (ericaceae) in oligotrophic swamps of Western Siberia

Usmanov Iskander Yusufovich, Yumagulova Elvira Ramilevna, Aleksandrova Viktoria Viktorovna, Ivanov Sergey Petrovich, Shcherbakov Arkadiy Vladimirovich, Gonchar Ivan Gennadievich, Ivanov Vyacheslav Borisovich

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