Modern Phytomorphology

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The features of leaf anatomical structure of some Rhododendron species from section Ponticum


Nataliia V. Nuzhyna, Valentyna V. Kondratiuk-Stoyan

The article represents a comparative anatomical analysis of leaves of Rhododendron makinoi, R. degronianum, R. callimorphum and R. brachycarpum. It was shown that leaves of R. makinoi have most pronounced xerophytic features. R. degronianum and R. makinoi are similar by most of morphometric characteristics, while R. callimorphum and R. brachycarpum are well distinguishable. However, some quantitative parameters of the leaf with statistically significant difference in R. makinoi and R. degronianum have been detected and can be used as additional criteria for their taxonomic distinguishing. In general, investigated species differ mostly by type and number of trichomes. The presence of small idioblasts in the studied species was ascertained.




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