Modern Phytomorphology

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The effectiveness of biological preparations for the protection of different FAO groups maize hybrids in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Tetiana Marchenko*, Anna Kryvenko, Maiia Dzham, Yevhenii Bazylenko and Serhii Mishchenko

The use of biological preparations to reduce the harmfulness of pathogenic fungi and insects on agricultural crops is a promising direction in the global dimension of scientific research. Maize is the main grain crop of Ukraine, and one of the main factors of grain yield reduction is damage by fungi Ustilago zeae Beckm. (bubble slag), Fusarium moniliforme Scheld. (fusarium) and corn moth (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner). In connection with the destruction of the main massifs of irrigated land (more than 800 thousand ha) as a result of russian aggression, the main areas of maize are concentrated on non-irrigated lands, where damage by harmful organisms increases in an arid climate. Determining the effectiveness of the use of biological protection against the main harmful organisms on crops of maize hybrids of different FAO groups in the agro-ecological conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine was the goal of our research. Based on the results of the research, it was established that the specific genotypic features of maize hybrids and the FAO group did not significantly affect the damage caused by the fungi Ustilago zeae Beckm., Fusarium moniliforme Scheldt. and insect damage by Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner. The use of biological means of protection showed the effectiveness of Biplan M and Biospectr BT (microbiological preparations with insecticidal and growth-stimulating action). The level of damage by harmful organisms, the technical efficiency of the drugs depended significantly on the active basis of the biological preparation. Maize grain yield mainly depended on the FAO group and genotypic characteristics. The 'Oleshkivsky' hybrid had the maximum yield increase when using Biospectr BT biological preparation –0.79 t/ha (10.2%). The obtained results can be used by farms engaged in the cultivation of grain corn under organic farming.


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