Modern Phytomorphology

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Mitigating the impact of intensive farming on the climate change


Gennadiy Davydenko*, Valentina Rozhko, Olena Karpenko, Anatoliy Podhaietskyi, Nataliia Kravchenko, Valentina Toryanik, Bohdan Shvets, Vladyslav Hordiienko, Serhii Vasylenko, Roman Badzym and Sergiy Zubko

Unfortunately, the problem of climate change is extremely urgent. Today, it is very difficult to find a place on the planet that has not undergone any changes from these processes. This paper examines the problem of climate change in Germany, namely in Bavaria. This is the southeastern part of the country. It is famous for its rich history, cuisine and, of course, beer. One of the problems faced by residents of this area of Germany because of climate change is the high risk of flooding. So far, many scientists have modeled possible scenarios of climate change in the area and concluded that the most likely scenario is that due to the increase in air temperature, the amount of precipitation will also increase. This will lead to changes in agriculture as well. Therefore, this work examines ways to solve the problem for farmers and the impact on human health due to climate change.


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