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From biomarkers to therapeutics: Exploring long non-coding RNAs in colorectal cancer


Mohamed S. Imam*, Randa M. Abdel-Sattar, Jawaher A. Ajeebi, Mashael Jafari Holal, Fahad Mofareh Alosaimi, Ayman D. Alshehri, Faisal Sultan Alosaimi, Sami A. Alshehri, Raghad Hamad Alruwaili, Taif Abdullah Alayyafi, Mohammed Abdullah Alasmari, Khalid Manea Alotaibi, Rahaf Naif Alhashbari, Yasser Mabrouk Bakr

Introduction: Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have become a cornerstone in the regulation of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) by modulating gene expression, genomic integrity, and DNA Mismatch Repair (MMR) pathways. While many aspects of their functions have been established, the detailed mechanisms by which lncRNAs mediate CRC progression and potential therapeutic targeting remain under intense investigation.
Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted, focusing on the latest findings on lncRNAs in CRC. Main discussed topics were transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, chromatin dynamics, and signaling pathway interactions. Advanced technologies like CRISPR and RNA-seq and their impacts on lncRNA research were also analyzed.
Results: lncRNAs showed critical roles in CRC through the modulation of transcriptional and epigenetic processes by regulating tumor development and metastasis. Specific lncRNAs, including HOTAIR, CCAT2, and MIR17HG, were pinpointed to play a part in genomic stability maintenance and MMR pathway regulation. It was further stated that lncRNAs hold great potential as biomarkers and therapeutic targets; their role in treatment resistance and immune modulation is one of the most interesting areas under investigation. CRISPR technology and RNA-seq provided new insight into the functional characterization of lncRNAs and their possible clinical application.
Conclusion: lncRNAs are important regulators in colorectal cancer and have provided insights into tumor biology, helping to advance diagnostics and therapies. Their potential as biomarkers and therapeutic targets is further supported by the emerging RNA-based technologies, hence their promise in revolutionizing the management of CRC and improving patient outcomes.


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