Modern Phytomorphology

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Formation of yield and quality of chickpea seed products under climate change


Ihor Didur, Hanna Pantsyreva, Ihor Kupchuk, Yevhenii Volynets

The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of yield and quality of chickpea seeds depending on the varietal composition, pre-sowing seed treatment with a bacterial preparation and the use of different concentrations of retardant. The variant treatment of seeds with Rizogumin Plus and double treatment of crops with the retardant chlormequat chloride was distinguished by the manifestation of the studied traits: first in phase of the 3rd trifoliate leaf, second in budding phase. The maximum content of crude protein in seeds of chickpea variety Pegas 30.42% and 28.26% in variety Skarb was noted in variants where the bacterial preparation Rizogumin Plus was used for pre-sowing seed treatment and double spraying of plants with 0.75% solution of retardant during the vegetation.


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