Modern Phytomorphology

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Effectiveness of influence of pre-sowing seeds treatment with combinations metabolically active compounds on biochemical composition of soybean grain


Alona Koziuchko, Valentyna Havii, Olena Kuchmenko, Vitalii Sheiko, Hryhorii Machulskyi, Anna Novikova, Anna Hotvianska

Soybean is the most valuable crop of all leguminous crops. Soy excels in terms of the content of vital substances in the grain. It is characterized by a high content of protein, oil and high nutritional qualities. Treatment of seeds with vitamin E in combination with ubiquinone-10 before sowing provided an increase in crude protein content in soybean seeds by an average of 31.44%. During pre-sowing treatment with a combination of vitamin E+ ubiquinone-10, an increase in the content of carotenoids was observed by an average of 45.65% compared to the control and by 43.48% according to the Vympel. The content of mono- and disaccharides increased with pre-sowing treatment with vitamin E and ubiquinone-10. The combination of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10, in comparison with other research options, proved to be the most effective when studying the biochemical composition of soybean seeds.


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