Modern Phytomorphology

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U.M. Karbivska, N.V. Kolodnenko*, N.M. Asanishvili, I.M. Malinovskaya, A.V. Holodna, H.S. Konyk, H.Ya. Panakhyd, A. Н. Dzyubailo, H.M. Solovei, N.Ya. Hetman, M.D. Voloshchuk, Ya.Ya. Hryhoriv, O.Yu. Turak and O.D. Turak

Modern requirements of agriculture require new approaches to provide the region with high quality feed and develop new methods of their production. Therefore, solving the problem of providing animals with cheap complete grass fodder, the production of which is based on modern technologies, taking into account the existing trends of climate change, is undoubtedly relevant in this region. Economic and energy efficiency of growing cereal grasses depending on fertilization has been studied. On the basis of obtained results it has been found that cultivation of perennial grasses without application of mineral fertilizers under conditions of Precarpathians provides 5.9-7.8 thousand UAH/ha of net profit, 116%-139% the level of profitability, 2.1-2.3 thousand UAH - prime cost of 1 ton of fodder units, 2.8-3.7 BEC and 4.2-4.8 CEE, 2.1-3.3 GJ energy consumption per 1 ton of fodder units. Among the species of perennial grasses on all fertilizer backgrounds, on average for the first three years of using grasses the best indices of economic and energy efficiency were obtained when growing Lolium perenne, and the lowest Festuca rubra. Other studied species, namely Dactylis glomerate, Festuca orientalis, Bromus inermis, Phalaris arundinacea, and Phléum praténse occupied an intermediate place by these indices. Among fertilizer variants, the best indices of economic efficiency are provided by full application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N90?60K60.

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