Modern Phytomorphology

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Assessment of therapeutic potential of medicinal plants in dental care: A comprehensive study


Dalal Mohammed Mushref Alghamdi*, Malak Mansour Ahmed Arafah, Amal Mohammed Mustafa, Mariam Abdullah Asere, Huda Hamed Alopadi, Nouf Omar Almashjari, Meaad Abdulraheem Kotani, Hidayah Abdullah Moufawez, Huda Mohammed Al Refaei, Azzah Samir Alnahari

This comprehensive study explores the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants in dental care, emphasizing their role as natural alternatives in addressing various oral health challenges. The research highlights the historical use of plant-based remedies and reviews contemporary evidence on their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and regenerative properties. Key findings demonstrate the efficacy of plant-derived compounds, such as clove oil, neem, turmeric, and Aloe vera, in treating dental conditions like cavities, gum disease, and oral infections. Additionally, the study examines different formulations, including herbal toothpaste, mouthwashes, and gels, as well as the outcomes of clinical trials validating their effectiveness. While medicinal plants show promising results in enhancing oral health, challenges such as standardization, regulatory approvals, and widespread adoption remain. The findings underscore the potential of integrating plant-based treatments with conventional dental practices to improve patient outcomes and promote sustainable oral healthcare solutions.


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