Modern Phytomorphology

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Analysis of strategies for combining productivity with disease and pest resistance in the genotype of base breeding lines of maize in the system of diallele crosses


Kolisnyk OM, Kolisnyk OO, Vatamaniuk OV, Butenko AO, Onychko VI, Onychko TO, Dubovyk VI, Radchenko MV, Ihnatieva OL, Cherkasova TA

According to the comparative results of the obtained values of GCA effects of self-pollinated lines by the resistance to pest damage and disease affection with the values of GCA effects by grain production, it is reasonable to mention such self-pollinated lines as UH 405, F 502 and SM 5-1-1. These lines combine the negative values of GCA effects by pest damage and disease affection with high positive GCA effects by grain productivity in conditions of monoculture. Line UHK 409, despite the negative values of GCA effects by productivity, is still important as a form resistant to diseases and pests; this line can be used in saturating crosses to transfer valuable traits resistant to pathogens to different efficient patterns.

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