Modern Phytomorphology

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A comprehensive review of food-drug interactions: Mechanisms, clinical implications, and future perspectives


Anas Alhur*, Wajan Alqathanin, Rahaf Aljafel, Layan Al Mudawi, Elaf Alshehri, Afnan Asiri, Rahaf Alamri, Haifa Alaowad, Zaina Abuhomoud, Batoul Alqahtani, Reem Alshahrani, Raghad M. Alrashed, Tagreed AlShahrani, Rasha M. Alqahtani and Fouz Odhayb

Food-drug interactions are critical considerations in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. This review explores the underlying mechanisms, clinical implications, and future perspectives of food-drug interactions. By examining recent studies, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding that can inform healthcare professionals and improve patient outcomes.


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